9.5M of your bailout dollars spent to lobby Congress

in the past 3 months to lobby the federal government. They spent over 9M of tax payer dollars to ask for 'more' tax payer dollars. And for some reason Obama's crew can't figure out what the 'tea parties' were about. Well lets make it simple CRAP LIKE THIS. Nice zippy oversight by the administration. This is why you do not give the night cashier the managers title after 3 days on the job at McDonalds. They lack experience.

Here ya go:

-- General Motors Corp., which devoted $2.8 million to lobbying in the first quarter of 2009

--Bank of America Corp., which reported spending $660,000 lobbying while receiving its $45 billion in help;

--Wells Fargo & Company, with $700,000 in lobbying costs and $25 billion in bailout money;

--Goldman Sachs, which spent $670,000 while receiving its $10 billion;

--Morgan Stanley, which spent $540,000 while also getting $10 billion in assistance;

--PNC Financial Services Group, spent $135,000 -- nearly double what it did at the end of last year -- on lobbying while receiving a $7.8 billion lifeline;

--U.S. Bancorp spent $170,000 on lobbying and got $6.6 billion in government aid.

Spend it if you got it


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