Hired by Uncle Sam...
Why do people not understand that this is a BAD thing. In the last 6 months the number of private sector jobs has fallen, the number of public sector (government) jobs has increased. What does that mean? LARGE, HUGE, SLOW government control of everything. Follow this out. If the government becomes the complete benefactor supplying everything from your job to your car to your mortgage payment, are you likely to vote out of office the people who put you there? Are you likely to vote for a conservative person who will cut debt and spending? No, you wouldn't. Your lively hood is dependent on the government. Try to critical think people, I know it is hard because it doesn't involve American Idol, Dancing with the Stars or a Plasma TV, but please make an attempt to use at least 1% of your brain.
Why do people not understand that this is a BAD thing. In the last 6 months the number of private sector jobs has fallen, the number of public sector (government) jobs has increased. What does that mean? LARGE, HUGE, SLOW government control of everything. Follow this out. If the government becomes the complete benefactor supplying everything from your job to your car to your mortgage payment, are you likely to vote out of office the people who put you there? Are you likely to vote for a conservative person who will cut debt and spending? No, you wouldn't. Your lively hood is dependent on the government. Try to critical think people, I know it is hard because it doesn't involve American Idol, Dancing with the Stars or a Plasma TV, but please make an attempt to use at least 1% of your brain.
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