Hey Buffett, you realize you can donate as much as you like right?

I find it arrogant, ignorant and plain offensive when Warren Buffett comes out and declares, on behalf of ALL Billionaires, "we should pay more taxes". This coming from a guy who gives himself a 100,000.00 salary just to avoid being in the highest tax bracket and takes the rest of his some 50 BILLION net worth in Capital Gains (taxed at a meager 15%). There is a blank line, right on everyone's tax form, that allows you to "give" money to the US Government. If Mr. Buffett is feeling so generous, why doesn't he take advantage of this option? Easily, it is easier to spend others money. Now that good Old Warren has made his money, and his reputation, he wants to kill the exact path he took..slash and burn it if you will. Sounds like a "reborn" Christian telling you the pitfalls of drinking and sex after they spent 20 years carving that path. Absurd.

If Warren really cared so much he could easily pay himself a higher salary, say 20 Million in taxable income. However he doesn't, he takes it as Capital Gains to stay in the 15% margin. Does he realize the vast numbers of small business, those not earning billions or even millions of dollars, rely on Capital Gains as a way to make a profit and grow their business? Guess its been a while since Old Warren had to work for his revenue.

This is the same man that loves to ride the political showboat of being "the Oracle of Omaha" and watching his business rely entirely on Capitalist approach he criticizes. Maybe he needs to think back, to 1951 when he started Buffett-Falk & Co and stop thinking only about what he has now.

Frankly, I don't give two cents to what Mr. Buffett thinks 'the rich' should be paying.


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