So the Tea Party isn't liked, so what, neither were the Revolutionaries in 1776.
I hear liberal opinion after liberal opinion speaking on the 'disdain' for the Tea Party. In most cases it is followed by mocking, laughter, name calling and regards of utter stupidity to the position. I hear this and wonder, do these folks realize that around 1770 the position to revolt from England was not 'well liked'; and that no where near the majority favored leaving the crown? In fact, most felt that they were British and to add to this, the earlier settlers actually sailed (mostly) as indentured servants to England in order for free passage?
Troop quartering and taxes are always pointed to as the tipping point for the inevitable declaration of independence from England: however these things were actually done in the name of protecting the people, if not the crown.
The English quartered troops in the Colonies to protect against border disputes with the old English enemy, the French. The notion was to protect its assets, and that included its people. In reality up to this point, the Colonies had essentially governed on their own with minimal outside influence. And if we recall history correctly, the officers that kicked off the eventual push to Independence was actually George Washington in 1754 in which he led a unauthorized raid on the French; sparking outrage on the Island.
This initial disregard for the mainstream in the hope of sovereignty was only supported by less than 30% of the Colonists (according to what records exist).
The point is, it doesn't take a majority doing the perceived right to create something great. If you were to go back to 1765 and pull up a bar stool next to good Ol' Ben Franklin, you'd be consorting with a known terrorist; at least by modern terms.
So what Liberals should truly ask themselves when questioning the "Tea Party" with bogus rhetoric and name calling is; 'do they truly love America or do they love the Progressive bandwagon it has become?'.
I find the irony incredible that we now live in an America that looks as secular taxing as the way to close gaps in out of control spending. Something essentially pushed upon the Colonies; and the lack of representation back then compares to the less than 14% approval of Congress today.
Learn from History.
Troop quartering and taxes are always pointed to as the tipping point for the inevitable declaration of independence from England: however these things were actually done in the name of protecting the people, if not the crown.
The English quartered troops in the Colonies to protect against border disputes with the old English enemy, the French. The notion was to protect its assets, and that included its people. In reality up to this point, the Colonies had essentially governed on their own with minimal outside influence. And if we recall history correctly, the officers that kicked off the eventual push to Independence was actually George Washington in 1754 in which he led a unauthorized raid on the French; sparking outrage on the Island.
This initial disregard for the mainstream in the hope of sovereignty was only supported by less than 30% of the Colonists (according to what records exist).
The point is, it doesn't take a majority doing the perceived right to create something great. If you were to go back to 1765 and pull up a bar stool next to good Ol' Ben Franklin, you'd be consorting with a known terrorist; at least by modern terms.
So what Liberals should truly ask themselves when questioning the "Tea Party" with bogus rhetoric and name calling is; 'do they truly love America or do they love the Progressive bandwagon it has become?'.
I find the irony incredible that we now live in an America that looks as secular taxing as the way to close gaps in out of control spending. Something essentially pushed upon the Colonies; and the lack of representation back then compares to the less than 14% approval of Congress today.
Learn from History.
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