
Showing posts from 2019

Sgt. Kevin T. Brown - Baltimore PD - seriously, you have horrible judgement.

How is it possible in August 2019 with all the cataloged failures of the Baltimore Police Department, the criminal charges against drug squads, the rioting, the call outs by POTUS and other, how is it possible an Officer would do this? Sgt. Kevin T. Brown, 43, of Aberdeen was charged with driving a Baltimore City vehicle while under the influence of alcohol following a crash on Interstate 95 last year, and with carrying a handgun while under the influence of alcohol, court records show. Kevin here should be treated like every other person who lives in Maryland. One, you lose the gun (that would mean you also lose the gun at work), two he should be removed from the police force if found guilty as he clearly can't obey the law when in a Baltimore owned car and armed. He lacks all sense of judgement and shouldn't have anything to do with removing or detaining the civil rights of others. Baltimore continues to be a cesspool city that is desperately in need of an overhaul. 

Amnesty International - there was no need to mislead about the USA.

Amnesty International decided to enter the firearm debate in the United States for no apparent reason, labeling the US as a concern for tourists. The funny part is that is based on no incidents against tourists and no actual understanding of US laws between the Federal and State levels. It is quite clear that Amnesty International has a political objective in their commentary. It is also clear they don't understand a concept of States rights. Frankly I wish other 'bodies' would stay the hell out of US concerns, the  US is a Country that stands alone. No other Country in the world is like the US and the US is the ONLY Global Power. It's a shame Amnesty International isn't putting more of its efforts against the 40,000,000 slaves in Africa. Over 78,000,000 people traveled to the US in 2018 alone. Amnesty International couldn't name a single one that died because of "US gun violence" Classically they have assumed bans of a specific style of weapon imp...

"Black home ownership down" that's right

"Black home ownership is down" and according to this OpEd, Rashida Tlaib has answers. Only, she doesn't. There isn't a single plan or proposal. There is simply a listing of requests to have back the same non-logical lending programs that brought about the 2008 recession and housing crisis. That is all there is. I read this article honestly looking for a highlight of how you could advance ownership for, I'm assuming poverty riddle people? Since the association of black in this OpEd is poor. Certainly that seem racist considering the majority of poor people in the US are white. Here is how you know Rashida is racist, all home ownership has been falling. Across the board. There are hundreds of financial articles discussing the precipitous drop to pre-1965 levels. There are articles detailing the extent to which Generation M isn't buying homes but would rather rent. So, to race bait is insane but sadly a classic CNN move. Litany of articles about drop in gener...

Breaking News headline "Blacks in inner-city violently shooting people..."

That headline probably gets at least 50% of Dems in D.C. complaining on Twitter about racism, but, make the the color 'white' and it isn't racism, it is news. The CNN article below attributes nearly all 'violence' via firearm to white men. Take a look at the way the CNN author frames their talking point: On white supremacy, facts first: An audit by the Anti-Defamation League found white supremacist murders in the US "more than doubled in 2017," with far-right extremist groups and white supremacists "responsible for 59% of all extremist-related fatalities in the US in 2017." They were responsible for 20% of these fatalities the year before. There is no definition of 'extremist-related' vs mass murder in any inner city at any given time. Remember that mass-murder is 4+ people, that routinely happens in Baltimore and Chicago but is kindly left out to help form a narrative. This isn't to say that most mass shooting notarized by the ...

40 million African slaves!

There are over 40,000,000 African slaves in the World right now, 2019. Think about this when you hear first world people complain they need a reparation or some other type of 'payment' from society. 40M people are slaves today, more than EVER existed in North America. That said, we don't seem to overly concerned in America. We're busy trying to get free cash from all the 'white' people. 20190807133822-v6v2q/

There are THREE proven methods to reduce firearm violence - none have anything to do with the type of weapon.

Here lies a perfect example as to where current laws and possible flagging laws would have been beneficial (if the prior were enforced). A person openly threatens a list of people 10 years ago in school, authorities are engaged, etc. However, the minors record is expunged and no account ever used for future engagements. Thus making it easy for the person to obtain a firearm legally. We need to break down these absurd limits. Drafting a 'kill list' and declaring it as such, should be grounds for engagement regarding your ability to handle a firearm, and noted permanently. If we aren't comfortable with that, make having and advertising a "kill list" a felony - that will knock you off the legal firearm block in most places. Shootings and murder in general is performed by a person who has lost connectivity with the value of human life or their own existence in it. This person is not 'driven' by hate or any ideology, they have a zero-value point system on li...

Why the Democrats will lose in 2020 and how they could stop that.

Fast-forward to November 4, 2020 at one in the morning, the Democratic Party has just lost a Presidential election, again. The usual pundits on CNN and MSNBC, Vox, Huffington Post, Young Turks, and the like, are crying and complaining. There are again threats of riot, visions of a forgotten future and little if any hope. The collusion elements of the past are no longer headlines, instead America is simply labeled as completely enveloped in racism and hate. But how did we get here, what went wrong screams the left. How could this be? How twice?!?! The answer is simple and it started in 2016. The Democratic Party could have had a simple and easy victory over the 45th President, instead of bequeathing him a second term. All they needed to do was simply focus on policy, and only policy, nothing else nothing more. By pushing their original Democratic platform of improved health care, environmental awareness, border control/reform, cybersecurity policy and infrastructural improvements, th...

You can't read a 440 page paper?

Americans, are we serious? You can't finish a 440 page report on your own President. Have you spent any time at all even glancing through a review of your Government? If you haven't read it, please refrain from voting in any election for you are ignorant in this space. Mueller Report

The World needs to take a position on Iran - America is the only Global Power.

I wonder the impacts of these actions on the poorest Nations/people in the world. The games played between a 2nd World Country and a 1st World ones. In the US, we hear something like this and I'd offer most don't pay attention at all - unless as part of some party rally cry to one end or another. And those that actually care aren't so impacted, what's the worst that can happen? But, to Countries not so established that rely substantially on oil for energy, and must rely on th ese shipping routes and hope/pray they are defended. What happens to those people, the vast majority of the world? So far the only true provocation towards the US has been shooting down a surveillance drone. No US flagged or ported ship has been touched. UAE, Indian, UK, Japan and others have, but not the US. Iran isn't made of stupid people, they know that if they openly attacked American vessels or Americans that wouldn't be good for their Country. They are playing a shrewd game. Other C...

Donald Trump will win in 2020 because America can't do better.

At some point Americans will realize that politicians race bait for a reason, in the end, they are all the same. They keep their job by having 'classes' and having those 'classes' attack each other. They always have. The hatred from Trump they espouse, isn't real. Their opinion of him, isn't real. They just want to keep their job. That is all. Why do they really hate Trump? Because he proved that someone not in their establishment could win. They hate that. It makes them mortal, and they don't want to hear that. They rely on voters not paying attention and simply following a party blindly. Whether you're a Dem or a Rep, that doesn't matter it is simply one promoted ideology over another. They don't really follow that ideology, they sell it to you "the People" (channeling inner Bane voice). And what is the worst part, Americans fall for it. They actually think they 'win'. They don't win. Nothing fundamentally changes course...

Open City, the 1973 program Clinton used to claim Trump was racist.

Read a recent opinion article on CNN, which clearly I know was a mistake now, regarding "Why" Harriet Tubman wouldn't be put on the 20 dollar bill in Trumps era. The author immediately tries to link this to racism, even going as far as to claim a campaign remark by Clinton regarding a 1973 case against Trump Corp. The case is interesting. It comes on the heals of the Open City project that was an effort in the late 60-early 70s to 1)see if landlords discriminated against non-white 2) help place those discriminated in housing. A noble cause at first blush, something most people probably can get behind. The problem sits with two elements here though. If you do some research you'll find that the case wasn't against Trump, mores so a conglomerate of organization. The case was settled with no actual 'guilt'. Now, you could argue that paying off people equals guilt, I wouldn't but I can see why some would believe that. I dug a little deeper into Betty Hoeb...

Civilian Intelligence Service - There’s a wall for a reason.

One of the most under appreciated assets in the Defense of the United States is those who work in the Intelligence services, the ‘wheel of seals’. These Agencies include CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, NRO, OTFI and a series of alphabet soup. There are over 13 formal Department of Defense Intelligence service capacities that allow the American Military to deploy effectively across the globe. The existence of these Agencies is the reason the average American goes through their day sipping coffee, going to work, playing with their kids, chatting on their phone, checking email, ‘enjoying’ social media and the Internet without any issue, deviations or neglect. Unaware that America is routinely under a 24 hour a day barrage of different attempted attacks, both from within and outside the Continental United States. These Agencies work mostly in secret, in spaces Americans don’t know and for the most part wouldn’t comprehend if faced with the shear capacity and intention of an adversary. The modern mi...

Socialist Empire of Maryland and...yet another dumb gun law.

The Justice Warrior Dems of the Maryland Assembly have yet again proposed another useless, pointless and purposeless emotional law that will do absolutely nothing regarding the blacks killing blacks..primarily in Baltimore. The new Law which of course Dems pushed requires long-guns (aka: shotguns, rifles) to go through the same Federal FBI checks for private sales and they would public ones. This sounds reasonable at first, unless you have one cell in your brain. If you do, you realize that the thug buying the AK off someone isn't looking to 'register' or 'buy it legally'. Yet another purposeless law, just imposes more issues on law abiding citizens. I will leave out the now countless examples of the System failing to realize people that shouldn't have guns, even with accurate checks in place. It is really so pathetic. Eventually average Americans will turn on their fucking brains.

Pew Pew Pew - Police shouldn't have guns.

Oh look, judge jury and executioner caught on tape. How about instead of firing 15 rounds in the vehicle, which was apparently stolen without the use of a firearm or weapon until a passenger who gets out says he has a gun (which his never drawn or used), you simply call dispatch and say "plate number XYZ, heading ABC". Neh, makes more sense to literally let yourself be hit by a 5mph car so you can claim your life was threatened. Grr. Take the guns away. Love the line from the Police Union "this could have been avoided if the driver complied" or if your Officer didn't determine it was worth shooting 15 times at the driver.  I got my Pew Pew out and shot the big bad 5mph car.

Michael "The Grim Reaper" Cohen set to testify?

These are always my favorite, people who are equal parts shit and liar telling you who the shits and liars are. Well, I guess maybe they know what it looks like because they are it - but I mean, how much can you trust that? Michael Cohen is going to say ‘Trump knew WikiLeaks would run an article’, sorry but who cares? You mean to tell me he knew that WikiLeaks would start telling the truth openly about the DNC? Remember, they didn’t make anything up, they just passed along emails openly sent by the DNC. Then in usual fashion, Mikey will call Donny racist with zero actual facts to that case other than nuance on words and ideology. Donny, the same man who won the Ellis Island Award is a racist? If that’s true he should be ‘fired’ for being a terrible one. Plus, I have to say calling a business man in the US a ‘con-man’ or ‘cheat’ is par for the course kids. They all are, how do you think they run Fortune 500 companies? Based only on their honor and intelligence? Who are you kidding? ...

Your taxes are going up - one of my favorite FakeNews spins of 2019.

Your taxes are going up - one of my favorite FakeNews spins of 2019. Without a doubt you’ve heard rumblings if you pay any attention to tax code that you might pay more this year because Trump somehow screwed you. Well, as with much of everything you read or hear since 2001, that is a steaming pile of excrement wrapped around minimal facts. The facts of the case are this, the Federal Treasury has limited the amount of local and State income taxes you can deduct from your Federal taxes. As any taxpayer knows, the State and local municipalities routinely lay pipe on the taxpayer because they always knew, you’d never care. You didn’t care because any shade-tree accountant could deduct all those costs for you so when the Feds came to take their tribute, you thought you were being smart. Reality sets in. The local and State have been raping you like a drunk hooker for decades, you never cared. Now, all the local Legislatures have lathered up the Blitzkrieg to inform you that “TRUMP” some...