"I'll meet the GOP halfway on healthcare" - Obama
Mr. President, it is not the GOP that is your problem. You have had a supermajority for over a year in congress. Your problem, sir, is your own party. Your internal split between Democrats and Progressives that ride along the Democratic ticket. You have had the votes needed to pass anything you want, and still it hasn't passed. Why is that?
Republicans could simply have not shown up to anything this year and you would still have had enough votes. Please stop pretending and posturing for the public that it is the Republicans that are giving you such trouble, it isn't. Your own party does not follow your words and why? Because Progressives (those who want entire governmental control) are bashing their heads with Democrats. The media, for the most part, refuses to acknowledge that your problem, sir, is your own party. It isn't Republicans or "Tea Party" rallies, it isn't Southerners or Corporate tycoons, it is your own party sir. The first step to solving any problem is finding its cause. The cause, is progressives. You yourself sir, along with your Secretary of State, have declared your progressive game plan. The problem you find now, as a result of that game plan, is a lack of flock.
There is not a soul, a competent soul, that doesn't feel we need some type of health care reform. However this does not mean government involvement. If anything it means less involvement. Rules and regulations on insurances for insurers and rules of where coverage can be purchased are the first barrier that needs removed for reform. The comment was made, by your staff, that tort reform would only drop the cost of health care by an estimated 2 billion. Well, sir, only in Washington can two billion dollars be shunned off with complete disregard.
You are a great speaker and thinker sir, however I fear that is all you are and lack any real substance to meet problems and solve them in a realistic and universally acceptable format. Your ideals are lofty, as are your aspirations yet your means seem lacking.
Republicans could simply have not shown up to anything this year and you would still have had enough votes. Please stop pretending and posturing for the public that it is the Republicans that are giving you such trouble, it isn't. Your own party does not follow your words and why? Because Progressives (those who want entire governmental control) are bashing their heads with Democrats. The media, for the most part, refuses to acknowledge that your problem, sir, is your own party. It isn't Republicans or "Tea Party" rallies, it isn't Southerners or Corporate tycoons, it is your own party sir. The first step to solving any problem is finding its cause. The cause, is progressives. You yourself sir, along with your Secretary of State, have declared your progressive game plan. The problem you find now, as a result of that game plan, is a lack of flock.
There is not a soul, a competent soul, that doesn't feel we need some type of health care reform. However this does not mean government involvement. If anything it means less involvement. Rules and regulations on insurances for insurers and rules of where coverage can be purchased are the first barrier that needs removed for reform. The comment was made, by your staff, that tort reform would only drop the cost of health care by an estimated 2 billion. Well, sir, only in Washington can two billion dollars be shunned off with complete disregard.
You are a great speaker and thinker sir, however I fear that is all you are and lack any real substance to meet problems and solve them in a realistic and universally acceptable format. Your ideals are lofty, as are your aspirations yet your means seem lacking.
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