Taliban Sniper Teams Attack U.S. Troops
Taliban Sniper Teams Attack U.S., Afghan Troops - Afghanistan | Map | War - FOXNews.com
America needs to be ready, ready for casualties and civilian loses. For too long we (we being those confused souls in the USA) have viewed war as something where only the other guy dies. That just isn't true. When you are attempting to sweep a town the safest way to do it is artillery and air power, the most dangerous way is boots on the ground. However, leaders fear that too many casualties of civilians will cause a PR problem, if we wanted to save the lives of our soldiers we would not be overwhelmingly concerned with that. Sniper teams are intense and very hard to remove, just ask the Germans in Stalingrad how annoying and victorious sniper teams can make a force. While I don't wish for civilian loss of life, I want our troops as safe as can be and victory on our side.
America needs to be ready, ready for casualties and civilian loses. For too long we (we being those confused souls in the USA) have viewed war as something where only the other guy dies. That just isn't true. When you are attempting to sweep a town the safest way to do it is artillery and air power, the most dangerous way is boots on the ground. However, leaders fear that too many casualties of civilians will cause a PR problem, if we wanted to save the lives of our soldiers we would not be overwhelmingly concerned with that. Sniper teams are intense and very hard to remove, just ask the Germans in Stalingrad how annoying and victorious sniper teams can make a force. While I don't wish for civilian loss of life, I want our troops as safe as can be and victory on our side.
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