Snow days for most of the mid-atlantic states

For the third time in less than 60 days there has been a significant (10" or better) snow event in the Mid-Atlantic. This has a lot of folks saying "yeah, global warming is garbage". Well, not necessarily. Storms and weather events in general are caused by many things but some of the higher contributors are jet streams (winds) and currents (water tides). These two components are constantly changing and modifying but some of this transition could, could, be the result of global warming. The idea here would be that as ice melts it produces water (yeah, I know you know) and this water is generally pure or lacking salinity. Now, push thousands of gallons of fresh water into a salt water body and what do you get, a change in current pattern. Why you ask, well the answer is relatively easy. You can do an experiment for yourself with water temperature. Get a gallon of ice cold water, put a thermometer in it, now add a couple cups of salt, you'll see the temp drop even lower. Salinity effects the tides and currents this in turn effects weather patterns. But here my friends is where I part ways with enviro-nazis. I don't feel we need to do a thing about this. The effects are minimal on our existence on this planet.

Your area gets more snow or rain, what do you do? You modify yourselves for the differing condition. Your area sees more drought, again, you modify for the existing condition. None of these will dissolve your species. Environmental change occurs completely naturally without mans aid, which is not to say there isn't some minimal effect by the human species on the planet but the climate is not it. Removal of a species by over-fishing, deforestation, human migration, these are real effects by man, the weather..not so much. And for every study one can point to that says humans are the problem, there is another that says they aren't. That my friends is not science and should trade in its test tubes for a crystal ball.


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