Be careful what you highlight.
Well then, yesterday, the other shoe dropped. Obama's tax returns were made public and it was found that he paid a mere 20% in income tax. And what's worse, his Presidential Secretary who makes less than 100K a year, paid higher income taxes than the President. Ugh, so now the political spin machine has some 'splanin' to do. For someone so hell bent on the term fair share, the President certainly isn't paying his. I myself found my income in the 28% tax bracket this year and Mr. Obama makes vastly more than I do. I find it funny that the CNN's of the world are barely talking about this. Shouldn't all Citizens be outraged? Why does America always come down to left vs right? Sad really.
The fact of the matter is that the tax code in the US is absurd and needs completely rewritten. We have a tax code that is over 10 times the size of the Constitution. Scrap it and lets write it over again.
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