Maryland, you complete me.

Maryland, you complete me, if my need was that of a lobotomy. Recently the amazing leader down in Annapolis decided that not only was $100K rich (avg income in MD is near $72,000), it was so rich that it deserves retro-active taxation. What does that mean? Well, that essentially the laws passed this year, would be impossible for you to have accounted for in your withholding this work year. So come April 2013, you'll owe by default. If that wasn't enough, he also feels that things are simply too cheap around here. Gas needs a tax increase, as does the cost to flush a toilet and while he is up, you should probably be deducting less from your 'rich man' tax return. What is the true bite on all of this is that the Democrats in charge of Maryland and led by O'Malley made practically zero cuts in spending, in fact, they asked for 1.2M a year to be sent to projects such as the "Eastern Shore Racetrack" association. The absurdity here is that the nation is in a recession; Maryland continues to be one of the top three highest income per capita States in the Union, but we can't seem to control our tax rate. It was just a few years ago O'Malley raised the sales tax 20% in Maryland, followed that later with a new Alcohol tax and has been trying like hell to increase tobacco taxes under the guise of "health care".

You wonder how much a society can take? How long do people put up with non-sense before they finally turn their backs on it? Sadly Maryland seems to redistrict whenever necessary to keep the Empire in charge, so the "vote them out" logic doesn't hold. As long as counties such as PG, Anne Arundel, B.Co, B City, Howard and Montgomery insist on voting for Democrats at all costs, this will continue. It is truly sad, a state with so much cash that can't stop spending. Apparently we're on a death march to be like California.

Well, I should make like a good American and Marylander, stop listening to facts, watch some Kim Kardashian reality show while I eat McDonalds and wonder where my kids are. Sounds like a solid plan for the future of Maryland.


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