Greg Williams and "Bounty-Gate"
NFL players need to realize the reality of the situation, starting with the fact that they aren't paid for their minds. The vast majority of NFL players have no business in front of a microphone and need to realize they are paid to play a game that children, 6 year old children, play. Last I checked, children weren't spending their Saturday mornings pretending to be Lawyers or Historians, no, they play games, games like Football.
Williams encouraged and paid for the isolated INJURY of specific athletes. That is the key, injury, he wanted people carted off the field. The ironic part here is the same athletes defending this notion, would be on camera crying a river if big bad Harrison of the Steelers ever touched them slightly illegally.
Now people have argued that the hits were never flagged, however, anyone who watched the Saints vs Vikings playoff game knows flat out, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Saints were attempting to injure Brett Favre. Fact is, the coach was dirty, the team was dirty for following him as was the head coach and general manager. The NFL Commissioner was correct in his ruling. Players, PLAYERS, need to remember, they play a game for the fans enjoyment and in the Commissioners world, stop listening to the hype that you are more than you are.
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