
Showing posts from January, 2013

NRA spent 32M lobbying last year, 2012

Wow, that sounds like a lot..unless of course you consider what others spent. Let's keep it simple and just look at sectors: Lawyers spent: $239M Finance/Banks spent: $639M Ideology/Single-Issues: $319M Labor (Unions): $174M Hmm, that 32M doesn't seem like too much anymore. I guess it is nice when you take numbers completely out of context.

Bang your friends...

Apparently Facebook app designers, aka College guys in California, decided that getting rejected online by that hot chick who you kinda know was too depressing. So they created an app which allows them to pretend to bang the "chick" they like and if she per chance attempts to "bang" them, then they get notified. Go modern America. Outstanding. > Bang it!

Oh, ATF, what are you doing?

Yeah it definitely is the citizens that we need to keep guns away from because officials do such the better job. >Wow, nice work "But the effort to date has not snared any major dealers or taken down a gang. Instead, it resulted in a string of mistakes and failures, including an ATF military-style machine gun landing on the streets of Milwaukee and the agency having $35,000 in merchandise stolen from its store, a Journal Sentinel investigation has found. When the 10-month operation was shut down after the burglary, agents and Milwaukee police officers who participated in the sting cleared out the store but left behind a sensitive document that listed names, vehicles and phone numbers of undercover agents."

Statistical Odds of being killed, less than 0.0001% recently had an article that finally drew down on the real threat of gun violence; handguns. Rifles account for less than 4% of all gun deaths yet Congress probably has spent over 70% of their “gun” discussions talking about them. That’s right, the handgun is used far more commonly and effectively than the rifle in a murder – you know murder, a felony. CNN points to the 2011 FBI statistics to prove this, what CNN doesn't harp on are the sheer number. In 2011 there 6,220 people killed by handguns. Consider this, that means your odds in the United States of being killed by a handgun are less than 0.0001%. More people were killed by alcohol, prescription drugs, vehicles and so on than were killed by guns. But you wouldn't know that from the media who makes gun violence seem like some prevalent thing in the US society. The real and true problem in America is violence as a whole, whether it is beating a spouse, a child, a guy on the street, throwing someone ...

Chicago, The Bloody City

UPDATE Jan 30 2013: Chicago tied a decade long murder rate at over 40+ people murdered in January, including a 15 year old girl that performed at the Obama Inauguration. Chicago has a SEVERE violence issue. ================================ While Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, has a love affair with President Obama and keeps being called in to advise him, violence in Chicago Illinois stays at a record levels. Yet for some reason the fact that this Mayor cannot find a way to make his own city safe allows him to speak for the Nation. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws of any city in the United States, yet its murder rate from firearms is through the roof, why? Simple answer, urban violence. This is what liberals seem to want to overlook because it would point to the fact that socialistic policies of attempting to use broad strokes to pull everyone in poverty, out of it, results in dependency, lack of accountability  and thus crime and violence. It has very l...

Form letter on recent California Bill.

Senator, As I continue to receive form letters from you and your aides I wonder if you even understand why you’re being written? The People, Citizens of this country not members of “parties” are tired of hypocritical responses to crisis. I have over one hundred friends that have written you and your colleagues, we receive the same word-for-word verbatim responses in form letters; which we then blog so everyone knows what they’ll be receiving. For once, we’d like an honest response on issues. The current “issue” is over the 2 nd Amendment and how your group of 100 individuals seems to believe it should be applied, as if you have that authority. The current Bill introduced by the Senator from California is absurd, nearly across the board. The “banning” of certain makes and models of semi-automatic firearms based entirely on appearance could not be more absurd. Is the justification that the “look” of a firearm kills people? And when discussing these firearms wh...

Form Letter on Foreign Aid :)

Yet another form letter TO Congress: Senator, As this country grows closer and closer to 17T debt, as fiscal cliffs are called out, as taxes are raised on 50% of Americans, as you threaten entitlement spending, I will ask a simple question - why are you handing over billions of taxpayer dollars to countries that either hate America or offer us nothing? Why are we devoting our monies to these countries ad hoc, with nearly zero oversight or transparency? It seems to me, and the majority of taxpayers, that this allocation of money, OUR money, could be far better spent. I'm curious as the Internet makes it easier to add clarity to these absurd figures, if anything is fixed. Honestly, how do you justify allowing this amount of money to leave America while asking me to "pay my fair share?". Just the top 25 Countries you decided deserved my money, more than I, in 2012: *these numbers are measured in MILLIONS! …. MILLIONS!! Afghanistan = $11,4...

Corruption is the Cornerstone of Demise.

While you're struggling to get by, consider what the US Congress gave away in 2012. These numbers are in MILLIONS, then ask yourself, why are you struggling? Why are you paying increased taxes? Why are you giving 10-40% of your income to a group of less than 600 people that chooses to spend it in this manner? Did these countries below do anything for you in 2012? Probably not, so you need to ask, who are they serving? And in Congress, is Congress serving your interests or their own? Ask yourself, why do those that enter Congress come in as individuals but leave as millionaires? Corruption is the cornerstone to demise.  remember…in MILLIONS. Afghanistan = $11,446.80  Pakistan = $2,853.50  Israel = $2,835.80  Iraq = $2,087.90 Egypt = $1,698.90  Haiti = $1,408.10  Ethiopia = $981.80  Sudan = $975.90  Colombia = $863.70  Kenya = $818.70  Jordan = $767.10  Mexico = $718.20  Senegal = $702.10...

The Old Senator from California.

It isn't as if Sen. F's State doesn't have enough troubles of its own, she has to poke her head in the rest of the Nation. Sen. F ( I refuse to use her name) decided that she'd attempt to apply a new "Assault Weapons Ban", I quote this because as is usual for the Government..when they don't understand a term, they just redefine it. Assault Weapons have been banned since 1985, you can't buy an automatic assault rifle. What Sen. F has done is now attached the term to essentially any rifle painted black. It really is that simple. Her new document tries to ban a series of weapons based on characteristics or model names - none of which makes any amount of difference to the attacks that have taken place in recent years. In Sen. F documents she does not address mental health, current laws nor the fact that in 1999 during the previous "Assault Weapons Ban" two murderers ran into Columbine High School and in a little over an hour killed mass amounts...

What I've learned from Political Parties in the US.

Here is a quick jab at what I've learned by watching Political Parties in the US: DNC First: 1) Criminals have rights, just because you voided the contractual bind of Citizen to Government, doesn't mean the Government doesn't still owe you something. 2) Rich people are really bad, and they aren't the ones you follow on Twitter..or that guy that designed your iPhone, or the founder of Starbucks, Honda, Porsche, Mercedes, guy who invented your LCD TV or your sub-zero fridge, no the rich are a group of 65 year old white Catholic Males that hate everyone. They all make about $20,000 in taxable income, the rest they hide in accounts somewhere outside the grasp of mankind. 3) Every single person on welfare is really, really trying hard to get by. I mean these folks are running down job offers constantly but can't catch a break. And, when they do find a job, they're working like 75 hours a week and they are always fired because of their race, gender, or who the...

An end to a Decade of War

An end to a Decade of War, that is what Obama preached yesterday, what he left out is the decades of struggle he has created. When he took office the Nation was in disarray, attempting to recover from a terrorist struggle since 2001 and fending off total economic collapse. Obama had his work cut out for him; he preached peace, hope, change, closing of Guantanamo, removal of forces from Iraq and Afghanistan  recovery.  What has he brought us? Nothing. He continued all the closure policies that Bush had spelled out before him, the end of Iraq was based on a forces agreement with Iraq long before Obama took office. Afghanistan is Obama's entirely. He not only continued military involvement but escalated it. He then aided and abided forces in Egypt, Syria and Libya, he escalated conflict throughout the Middle East all the while focussing the Nation at home on internal struggles of 'freedom' and progressive funding. His Congress pushed through a h...

No inauguration party for standing President.

A great point was made today, why does America have an Inauguration Party for a standing President elected to a second term? It is an outlandish and absurd waste of money, especially at a time when the World - America included - is strapped for cash. It would seem Congress should rule on this and pass a law that states if a standing President is re-elected, simply an Oath of Office is taken, as it was on Sunday, and the Pomp and Circumstance is left to the individuals. Is there someone out there who thinks hundreds of millions of dollars on today's events is worth it? We're facing a 16T debt, 7+% unemployment and a fiscal cliff, yet blowing dollars on a party. Seems insane to say the least.

Obsessed with Race, as usual the NFL.

The NFL has had a long standing policy of pushing teams to hire black coaches and front-office folks, who knows why...shouldn't it be the best person for the job, not the best non-white person? Why is it that everywhere in America when blacks or women aren't there it is immediately because the practices were discriminatory. Where is it that white guys get some free card leg up? Doesn't happen, sorry. Did it ever occur to the pundits that maybe, just maybe, the fact that the two black coaches fired missed the playoffs and one had a horrific record? Didn't see anyone commenting about Andy Reid being fired or Norv Turner. Did it ever occur to you racists that maybe the black guys weren't as qualified as the white guys? It has nothing, absolutely 100% nothing, to do with race. If anything the NFL is very bias towards black athletes. Consider black quarterbacks, the NFL is so in need of a black QB Champion that they pimp out anyone they find....Leftwich, McNair, McNabb...


There is no forgiving Lance Armstrong, none, never at no time. Already I've seen articles on asking if he should be forgiven. Let's consider the "man": left his girlfriend after she stood by him during cancer, left his wife after she stood by him with cancer, lied for over a decade about using drugs to compete, lied in 2006 when directly asked if he took drugs, took over 30 million in funds for his race team while doping, tried to 'buy off' both the drug testing agency and the Department of Justice (both denied his buy-out option) - he is a horrible, horrible human being. This is a man that shattered records by cheating, what accomplishment is this? This is a man that lied to millions of sheeple-lance-armstrong-followers, known by their yellow 'livestrong' armbands. He is the ultimate sham, he at no time in history deserves forgiveness. He needs to live the rest of his life wish his shame. Hopefully some debt and jail time thrown in as wel...

I am the NRA, and here are things I'm "for"

We hear many times about how the NRA is against any and all gun control, while obviously patently false I thought I'd highlight what most NRA lifers like me are willing to discuss: 1) Enforce our current gun laws. Stop allowing felons who attempt to buy guns to walk, stop allowing return criminals that use a gun to..walk. 2) Background checks for every single official gun sale; gun store, gun show, whatever. However, in regards to me selling a gun to a friend, while I'd say you could have some moderate concern in that area, no gun in those instances is used to kill people. Nearly all guns used to kill people are stolen or obtained illegally by other means. It is very, very rare that a legally purchased gun, belonging to the owner is used by the owner to murder someone. Statistical, fact. Don't believe me? Check the statistics. 3) Do a 30 day waiting period on any firearm purchase, rifle, handgun or otherwise. 4) Facilitate the means for a State to share its ...

How far is too far with kids and "guns"?

Since gun hysteria has been pushed by the Democratic Party there are more instances of absurd laws in Schools removing kids for nothing more than playing "cops and robbers". In one instance last week two six year old boys were suspended from school for simply playing cops and robbers and making gun hand gestures as they played. Really, this is what we've become? So paranoid by fear and hysterical emotional reaction that we stop kids from playing. How about the nerf gun that was in a kids locker, again, thrown out of school. Getting ridiculous America.

Chicago is one of the most VIOLENT places in America

Obama and Co. here forth called "Democrats" Violence in Chicago is absurd, in less than 11 days of 2013 there were already 22 murders - with guns. However, their mayor is advising Obama on gun violence in America. Are we serious. Democrats hate Americans, they hate civil rights and they do not like any objection to this logic. It seems that Democrats are vehemently opposed to any right a citizen would have over the "Union" of Democrats in America. As has been evident with the Obama administration and their policy of letting no good crisis go to waste, Obama is now attempting to subvert the Constitution and decree orders from on high, like some sort of Monarch, as to what his subjects should do. This is an Abomination of the US Constitution. This President is single handily destroying nearly everything America has stood for. If his rhetoric against republicans was applied to his positions against Terrorists this Nation would be a much safer pl...

The truth about gun violence in America.

The vast majority of gun violence in America is waged by blacks on blacks, however, you rarely see printed a headline that states "the black problem with guns in America". As is usual for the politically correct nature of the United States the true issue is neglected for the more acceptable normalization of a false rationale. In America you are vastly more likely to be murdered with a firearm, or murdered in general, if your skin tone is black. Now why is that? Pre civil-rights movement you would hear that whites vs blacks in America was the overwhelming reason, that is patently untrue today. Blacks slaughter blacks at an alarming rate. Now America refuses to address this specifically, instead having a generalized debate on overall gun ownership - which is not the problem in America. As with most criminal acts today, the issue is society. The issue is the value that life holds in an urban environment. If you look statistically there are far more guns in non-urban a...

The Washington Post, without a doubt

The Washington Post is without a doubt a bastardization of the first amendement. This so-called paper is the most ideological liberally biased and racist rag I've ever seen. It once was a paper that presented both sides of a fact, now it is simply a propaganda machine for the Democratic, and more so, Liberal movement. Let's take a simple look at some of today's headlines: 1) Democrats Urge Obama to Bypass GOP 2) Watch your language GOP 3) 100 years of black sisterhood This rag of a paper is just part of a larger propaganda effort of a liberal progressive movement. One should consider any source that openly backs a "Presidential Candidate", and this goes to a majority of papers, because this indication proves a bias.

My Letter to the NRA

Dear NRA, I am an avid gun enthusiast and LIFE NRA member as such I have somewhat of a bone to pick with this fine organization. It is in regards to prosecution of gun owners whose guns are used to commit crimes. Like most individuals, I’ve read and seen the murders taking place in schools and the like by individuals who have used a gun that they ‘took’ from another. In some instances it is children who take a parents gun to school, where the gun was not locked up and readily available to the child. Here is what I’d like to see the NRA do, work with States publically to encourage an increase in the prosecution of the gun owner.  It is ridiculous to me that an individual can lack all responsibility for their firearm, it can be used in a crime and the gun owner faces little prosecution. In the case of Maryland, if I were to leave my pistol out and my son took it to school. At most I could receive a penalty, which equates to a misdemeanor charge – that i...