Form letter on recent California Bill.


As I continue to receive form letters from you and your aides I wonder if you even understand why you’re being written? The People, Citizens of this country not members of “parties” are tired of hypocritical responses to crisis. I have over one hundred friends that have written you and your colleagues, we receive the same word-for-word verbatim responses in form letters; which we then blog so everyone knows what they’ll be receiving. For once, we’d like an honest response on issues. The current “issue” is over the 2nd Amendment and how your group of 100 individuals seems to believe it should be applied, as if you have that authority.

The current Bill introduced by the Senator from California is absurd, nearly across the board. The “banning” of certain makes and models of semi-automatic firearms based entirely on appearance could not be more absurd. Is the justification that the “look” of a firearm kills people? And when discussing these firearms why not admit that your odds in America are better of being hit by lightening then shot with a semi-automatic rifle, or Assault Weapons as your group like to inaccurately describe a rifle. If the Senator from California bothered to be involved with her legislation, she’d note that she didn’t even ban the shotgun used during Columbine in 1999, which I might add occurred during the supposed “ban”.

Why this obsession with legal citizens? Why is there not substantially greater focus on repeat offenders with firearms, individuals with criminal records of abuse with firearms, the concrete statistical issue with minorities as it relates to physical assault with a firearm? Why are the odds of a black man of getting killed in an inner city with a firearm so much greater than a white man? Why are the vast majority of legally owned firearms in very rural areas, yet the violence is vastly contained within City perimeters? Why does Congress not seem to act as 100’s of minorities are gunned down by minorities on the streets of New York and Chicago, but overly concerned when whites are killed in far less numbers? Why is there no mention of the fact that less than 13,000 people were killed with firearms last year when over 12,000 young women drank themselves to death? Where is the outrage on issues that kill far more than firearms? Where is your “crisis” plan in these regards?

It would be iconic if just one Democratic Senator stood up and said, lets address VIOLENCE in America, not simply GUN violence. In Britain in 2011 there were less than 700 murders throughout the entire country – in the same time period in the US there were 728 people murdered, by fists! That is according to the FBI. Please, lets address violence and accountability in America, not the symptom without the cause.



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