The Old Senator from California.

It isn't as if Sen. F's State doesn't have enough troubles of its own, she has to poke her head in the rest of the Nation. Sen. F ( I refuse to use her name) decided that she'd attempt to apply a new "Assault Weapons Ban", I quote this because as is usual for the Government..when they don't understand a term, they just redefine it. Assault Weapons have been banned since 1985, you can't buy an automatic assault rifle. What Sen. F has done is now attached the term to essentially any rifle painted black. It really is that simple. Her new document tries to ban a series of weapons based on characteristics or model names - none of which makes any amount of difference to the attacks that have taken place in recent years.

In Sen. F documents she does not address mental health, current laws nor the fact that in 1999 during the previous "Assault Weapons Ban" two murderers ran into Columbine High School and in a little over an hour killed mass amounts of students. Ironically, and sickly, her ban doesn't even include the shotgun that was fired 25 times in Columbine. She does however attempt to make any single rifle that isn't bolt-action, illegal. She focuses on magazine capacity which has been proven time and again to not matter and includes 'military style' features such as pistol grips - not making any reference as to why that is relevant or how this law would have stopped any current shootings. She makes no remarks to felons possessing firearms or the horrifically failed gun laws in States such as New York and Illinois where gun violence is still high regardless of the strictest gun laws in the Nation.

Sen. F for over 35 years has tried to destroy the 2nd Amendement and sees an opportunity now to create  "grey" space, areas that more laws can be passed against. She wants anyone owning a "banned" gun to register it, and to register ammunition purchases - why? Does she believe someone who was willing to make homemade IED's cares about your law, cares about your rules or regulations? All these types of bills do is effect law abiding citizens who had no intention of killing anyone in the first place - as murder is a felony. Thankfully, very few Senators on the Democratic side and no Republican Senators are backing her on this. But as with most events in this administration, they bully you into a lesser evil. Consider fuel prices. They convinced the populous that $5.00 gas was imminent, thus, you're happy to pay $3.50, because it is less than $5. They will do the same thing here. This bill is a Sacrificial Lamb, sent out among the wolves to draw first blood. Once it is slaughtered a lesser bill will be peddled and it will be compared to the prior bill as a 'compromise', this compromise will be passed.

I for one wish we spent a little more time on the real issues and those issues are accountability and stability - mental health and societal action. We can't continue to turn our backs on the issues of the youth, you'll notice the vast majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by those under 30. Why? Something is wrong, something that is not a weapon. In the majority of these mass shooting events, there is significant planning and documentation. There is also higher levels of massacre intended, with explosives left for authorities or entrapment to lead to execution. These are not simply people who snapped with too easy access to a firearm. This is yet another example of the Government taking the easy way out, instead of addressing the problems - we address the symptoms.

Similar to Hillary Clinton testifying yesterday "what does it matter" a similar approach is taken by Congress in regards to "gun" violence. You'll notice I quoted gun, because guns are not the problem, violence is.

America has a substantial problem also with race as it relates to gun crimes. Statistics show that the vast majority of shooting are in urban areas, not suburban where ironically more licensed guns are located. Why is it that your odds as a black man are significantly higher to be shot, than a white man? And that is per the Bureau of Statistics for the United States. Why is it you never hear that? Why is that not discussed? We need to address this as a society, cure the cause...not the symptoms.


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