Chicago is one of the most VIOLENT places in America
Obama and Co. here forth called "Democrats"
Violence in Chicago is absurd, in less than 11 days of 2013 there were already 22 murders - with guns. However, their mayor is advising Obama on gun violence in America. Are we serious. Democrats hate Americans, they hate civil rights and they do not like any objection to this logic. It seems that Democrats are vehemently opposed to any right a citizen would have over the "Union" of Democrats in America. As has been evident with the Obama administration and their policy of letting no good crisis go to waste, Obama is now attempting to subvert the Constitution and decree orders from on high, like some sort of Monarch, as to what his subjects should do. This is an Abomination of the US Constitution.
This President is single handily destroying nearly everything America has stood for. If his rhetoric against republicans was applied to his positions against Terrorists this Nation would be a much safer place. This man seems to appease terrorist states but "will not compromise" when discussing US policy. He is a fallen leader, if ever was a leader at all. He makes no attempt to lead the Nation, however, only works to promote his Party. He is a "Brown Shirt" in the greatest fashion. He demonizes Americans for wanting their rights, and creates fictitious crisis to promote policy. The man has not presented a budget in 1300 days but ridicules those out of his party for not being fiscally responsible. His leaders, Harry Reid and the ilk, continue to promote uber-dependency on the Government from black Americans and the poor. He makes no attempt, puts forth no plan, to better society - only to make society more dependent on his Party.
Tomorrow he will backdrop himself with Children as he talks about how his Kingdom shall address gun control. Congratulations America, it took you less than 300 years to destroy yourselves - epic by any measure.
Video on 22 Dead in Chicago in 11 Days
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