Template, by popular request
Since I'm encouraging EVERYONE to write their Senators in regards to any proposed anti-gun law, I'm now including a template.
Senator –
I have recently read the available portions of the proposed
gun ban that Sen. Feinstein is proposing, it is without a doubt the most
horrible piece of legislation this Congress has ever considered. This proposed
action makes my 2nd Amendment rights nearly impossible to attain. I
am vehemently against this! This law would do absolutely NOTHING to prevent
Sandy Hook, just as the 1994 Act did NOTHING to stop Columbine.
As I flip through Sen. Feinstein’s proposed bill on her
website, I find that she is basically after every single semi-automatic firearm
produced. That is absurd and a useless proposal. Restricting legal gun owners
does NOTHING for public safety. In New York, which has some of the strongest
gun laws in the Nation, guns killed over 1335 people. Please explain this if
Congress believes this legislation works? It doesn’t. The fact of the matter is
that legal citizens carrying firearms are less likely to kill a person than one
is to get hit by lightening. This is again, absurd.
I am in 100% opposition to this type of legislation. I wish
Senators, such as Sen. Feinstein, would spend more time focusing on the 9th
Amendment as they do the 2nd.
According to the FBI in 2011 less than 0.00005% of Americans
were killed by firearms, in fact more are killed by vehicles and there are over
300 million legal guns in the United States; less than 13,000 people were
killed by guns in 2011 out of over 310,000,000 people. I’m sure we could focus resources in better
areas such as law enforcement of current laws! In Sandy Hook, the murder broke
over 43 laws – do you honestly believe another ‘law’ would have done a thing?
And since politicians seem bent on looking towards Europe
for direction, Britain had just fewer than 700 murders in 2011; in the United
States fists alone killed over 720 people. Please, spend your time representing
YOUR state and not your party!
Last year 12,000 women died from binge drinking, 31% of all
automobile accident deaths were alcohol related, 37,000 people died by
overdosing on prescription drugs, suicides outnumbered all handgun homicides –
I haven’t seen you take one moment to discuss these issues in Congress. Why don’t
you take a moment away from attempting to strip rights of Citizens to focus on
the real issues in the United States?
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