Welcome 2013, we're going off a cliff...

So Democrats of course missed the ball and ended up a day late on a bill to stop the inevitable drop off the supposed 'fiscal cliff'. To avoid looking like total clowns, they passed a half-ass attempted bill that cut back on what Obama wanted and only did class-warfare to those making over 450,000.00 a year. Apparently those individuals aren't Americans and should pay more in taxes. There also was a continuation of benefits to individuals who aren't attempting to get a job. Thank God. I thought they may have to go out and do something. Here is another interesting element, not a single solitary budget cut was offered. No reduction in anything, just increases - in keeping with most things "Democrat".

And of course, without missing a step, Pelosi and company immediately tried to blame Republicans with comments like 'they need to do something'. Really? Really you wrinkled up clown of a politician? Where has Obama or any one in the Senate been over the last 6 months with this? No where. Absolutely no where. You parties.....suck. Happy New Year.


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