Corruption is the Cornerstone of Demise.
While you're struggling to get by, consider what the US Congress gave away in 2012. These numbers are in MILLIONS, then ask yourself, why are you struggling? Why are you paying increased taxes? Why are you giving 10-40% of your income to a group of less than 600 people that chooses to spend it in this manner? Did these countries below do anything for you in 2012? Probably not, so you need to ask, who are they serving? And in Congress, is Congress serving your interests or their own? Ask yourself, why do those that enter Congress come in as individuals but leave as millionaires? Corruption is the cornerstone to demise.
remember…in MILLIONS.
Afghanistan = $11,446.80
Pakistan = $2,853.50
Israel = $2,835.80
Iraq = $2,087.90
Egypt = $1,698.90
Haiti = $1,408.10
Ethiopia = $981.80
Sudan = $975.90
Colombia = $863.70
Kenya = $818.70
Jordan = $767.10
Mexico = $718.20
Senegal = $702.10
West Bank/Gaza = 693.10
South Africa = $567.80
Tanzania = $554.80
Russia = $505.90
Uganda = $487.40
Nigeria = $459.00
Georgia = $437.80
Mozambique = $404.40
Congo (Kinshasa) = $388.90
Indonesia = $338.00
Zambia = $331.80
Kazakhstan = $321.70
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