Cali, you figured it out


California figured it out, the key to stopping kids from being fat porkers is to remove plastic toys from their lunch. That's it. I didn't know kids in California had jobs and were buying their own food at McDonalds. Is there a 'Little Tykes" drive through too?

No I'm sure somewhere there is a loser parent that is filling their child with fattening food. I'm pretty sure that sounds logical. But then again, this is California and there isn't much logic there.

You know what causes fat kids, fat lazy parents. Parents that are either too busy watching Americana Idol, Tweeting, working or shoving food in their own face to pay much attention to what their kids are eating. More welfare state crap from the league leader. Why doesn't Cali just vote to remove all personal responsibility for anything, ever. I mean you're already about to break 50% as a tax bracket for Cali to pay for your useless piss poor programs, why not just make it 99% and take care of everything..oh wait, your state is in the most debt out of any state in the Union yet loves to claim how big your economy is. Ask Linsey Lohan if it really matters how much you make (fyi: she is 600K in debt). Wake up America, California is the beacon of everything you SHOULD NOT do.


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