White guy need not apply.

Wouldn't it be simpler to just say "anything but white males". I'm throwing in the race card, the white race card. I find it annoying at least and discriminatory at most that the US seems fine with daily articles from OPEDs to POTUS saying they are concerned about everyone but white males over 25.

POTUS put out a note for the 2010 elections today asking for :

1) Blacks Americans
2) Women
3) Youth

To come out and vote. Last I checked there wasn't a 100% white male voter turnout, so why is there never one second of focus on this group? And why is it that nobody ever condemns this non-sense of kowtowing to everyone and using the "white guy" as the scapegoat? The logic used by POTUS is he was looking for independent voters, oh you mean the 2nd largest group in the Tea Parties. Pretty sure that cat is out of the bag there leader.

Just wish Politicians could stop pandering and start being honest. Try watching the special "America" on the History Channel right now, learn where we came from. It would be really nice for the POTUS to say "lets strive for a great voter turnout" and not break it out by political cards.


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