Gun Rally, why so nervous?

Today there are two rallies planned by people who like the bill of right, oh I mean gun advocates. These are citizens that have the right to bear arms and do, I always wonder why "anti gun groups" (that is like anti-free-speech IMO) go after these types of individuals, as if they are the ones that commit gun crimes like gang-banging at 3am and shooting up a neighborhood.

To quote one such anti-rights individual:

"What I think is important to note is that many of the speakers have really threatened violence, and it's a real threat to the rule of law," Josh Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, said of the program for the armed rally. "They are calling health care and taxes that have been duly enacted by a democratically elected Congress tyrannical, and they feel they have a right to confront that individually."

Hey Josh, please tell me exactly where they advocate shooting up the Capitol in any form or fashion? Pretty sure you made 100% of that up or else the Secret Service would be all over them. This is the problem, anti-gun nut balls that think there is some Utopian world possible where guns don't exist and because of that fact, there is no violence. Well, welcome to fantasy land. Gun laws against citizens are the problem, not the solution. Penalizing citizens for the acts of those that break the law is simply moronic.

Essentially what you're doing is assuming that if you just had more rules that somehow convicts and criminals would then play by the rules. Wowzers.

It amazes me how "afraid" people get of individuals that tell you their exact intent, their cause and where and when they will be around. Yeah, they sure sound like the type you should fear.

I also find interesting the two takes on the same news, one is done with OPINION yet labeled news and the other is actually news. The Washington Post has called this a "militia rally" with "self-called patriots" where as FoxNews listed it as a Rally by groups that feel the NRA isn't doing enough for gun rights. Wow, nice spin there Washington Post....

Washington Post Article


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