Obama has done more to control debt than Bush?
Wow, pass me some of that crack, maybe I'll feel better.
The Obama Administration, the same one that has us at a record 14T dollar debt..that is double the Bush Administration for those keeping score at home, has claimed it is doing far more to combat the deficit than Bush ever did. They even go as far as to say "Silly Republicans, the Tea Party people are mad at you".
They really are out of touch at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Tea Party is not about health care or taxing currently, it IS about the fact that the spending in Congress led by the Commander and Chief is racking up an insane amount of debt for the future. Yes, taxes to date are near the lowest ever however, the taxes in the next 10 years will not be. Someone has to catch the bill for the 14T deficit that the Obama Administration has charged. That is the issue. Trying getting in touch, then make a statement.
Now before all my libby friends run off and say "see you like George Bush" ah, no. Actually I voted against him, twice in fact. I agreed with very, very few of his policies and even fewer of his public statements. That said, what if Bush constantly said "we wouldn't have this terrorist problem or 9/11 had Clinton dealt with the problems when he was President". See it is the blaming the other guy I have problems with. Many Democrats seem to rush to the "other guy did it first or worse" commentary whenever confronted about their own screw up. All I ask for is that you owe up to what you've done. Had the Whitehouse said "look, I needed to crank up debt because these plans were necessary. As a result, we will have to raise taxes across the board....." that would have at least been honest, and I could respect that. But to make these statements is ridiculous. It is showing that the "Obama Voter" was dumber than the "Bush Voter".
The Obama Administration, the same one that has us at a record 14T dollar debt..that is double the Bush Administration for those keeping score at home, has claimed it is doing far more to combat the deficit than Bush ever did. They even go as far as to say "Silly Republicans, the Tea Party people are mad at you".
They really are out of touch at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Tea Party is not about health care or taxing currently, it IS about the fact that the spending in Congress led by the Commander and Chief is racking up an insane amount of debt for the future. Yes, taxes to date are near the lowest ever however, the taxes in the next 10 years will not be. Someone has to catch the bill for the 14T deficit that the Obama Administration has charged. That is the issue. Trying getting in touch, then make a statement.
Now before all my libby friends run off and say "see you like George Bush" ah, no. Actually I voted against him, twice in fact. I agreed with very, very few of his policies and even fewer of his public statements. That said, what if Bush constantly said "we wouldn't have this terrorist problem or 9/11 had Clinton dealt with the problems when he was President". See it is the blaming the other guy I have problems with. Many Democrats seem to rush to the "other guy did it first or worse" commentary whenever confronted about their own screw up. All I ask for is that you owe up to what you've done. Had the Whitehouse said "look, I needed to crank up debt because these plans were necessary. As a result, we will have to raise taxes across the board....." that would have at least been honest, and I could respect that. But to make these statements is ridiculous. It is showing that the "Obama Voter" was dumber than the "Bush Voter".
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