#Chicago over 60 people shot in 3 days, including 3 children

And the Grand total is, well, still growing, but 60 shot and 3 kids dead in Chicago over the weekend. Violence in unfettered fashion without a single highlight or focus - because we 'expect' violence there.
Now I want you to consider the opening sentences:
A 5-year-old girl and 7-year-old boy playing on an Englewood street were shot in their legs late Monday night, the two among at least 60 wounded in shootings over the holiday weekend.
The two were in the 5500 block of South Hermitage about 11 p.m. when at least one person started shooting, hitting the two children.
5yr and 7yr old shot.....at.....11 PM...yes, 11 at night, one hour from midnight - wtf were they doing out playing? Parents and citizens of Chicago, you might just be the problem
Chicago routinely has absurdly high murder rates, just check out heyjackass.com and you'll be overwhelmed by the analysis that has gone into showing just how horrible that place is. But riddle me this Batman, why is nothing made of this? No "Black Lives Matter", no protests and boycotts, no political action..why? Well the answer is remarkably simple - it is expected. Blacks killing blacks in mass in the City is expected by America -- and that includes BLACKS in America. You don't see parades of black people marching through Englewood attacking these murders, what you here is 'government help us'. NO, take back your own damn street or resign to the fact that your are a culpable accomplice to this mass murder.


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