Race in America, it's simple stupid.
All this chatter about Race in America and how we 'fix' issues...it is actually quite simple. Find the cause of the problem. We all agree people aren't born racist, they're taught it. But how? Is it life experience or parenting? Those two elements probably have a good deal to do with it, but I don't believe they systemically create it. To create it universally you'd need something somewhat applied, universally. So what is? Well, quite frankly it is right in your face. It is Government. Government creates affirmative action programs, Government creates statistical maps on progress in schools and poverty, Government defines what a minority is, Government defines the expectations of a minority by programs and actions it creates.
Consider something simple, so simple in fact, people don't even acknowledge it. From day 1 on the planet a 'majority' person is told they are the 'majority' and they are told that they are advantaged or privileged - do you know what that does to a person? It drives them harder, it gives them a sense of capability, as if anything is possible. The constant bombardment of programs and marches and speeches that say 'minorities need to be equal' keeps reaffirming to the majority persona that they are in fact the majority and quite capable of anything.
On the flip-side of that coin is the person told they are a 'minority', that they are disadvantaged, that someone has it better, that they need help to compete. This in turn tells them they are less than the other. Makes them believe they need help, makes them think they are being held down, when in fact they are not, outside of the shackles the Government programs create.
Years and years of being told you're a majority or a minority ingrains certain elements of achievement and success, as well as overwhelming expectation both internally and to others. If a white student fails out of school in the 8th grade, he is not given nearly the level of pass as a colored student would first be looked under the light of being a minority - and looking for that implication. You see, the level of success was made different by society, by Government, by programs, not by people. Governments need to get out of the business of defining majority and minority. It isn't their role.
The exact same element takes place with gender, male and female. The Government establishes rules and practices, calling women or minorities disadvantaged, which immediately says "the majority must have advantage". This level of hypocrisy by something advocating equality is amazing, and the fact that Americans have yet to pick up on it - and instead promote these very discriminatory programs - is equally shocking.
I guess you have to follow the money, there is a lot of it to be made in promoting race and gender wars - well into the hundreds of millions when you consider establishments like the NAACP or most Feminist lobbies. What you'll notice you don't see is a Majority White Male Lobby. You know why, their entire lives they have inadvertently been told they are expected to be successful and achieve; done so by the very programs to limit them.
If you want a true talk on race and gender equality, then stop telling one it is advantage and the other it is not. We seem to have no problem in America rewriting aspects of history but refuse to do so on these issues. Let's make it simple, do relations seem better or worse today, in 2016? Do things seem to be heading in the right or wrong directions? Then ask yourselves, what has the Government been doing.
Consider something simple, so simple in fact, people don't even acknowledge it. From day 1 on the planet a 'majority' person is told they are the 'majority' and they are told that they are advantaged or privileged - do you know what that does to a person? It drives them harder, it gives them a sense of capability, as if anything is possible. The constant bombardment of programs and marches and speeches that say 'minorities need to be equal' keeps reaffirming to the majority persona that they are in fact the majority and quite capable of anything.
On the flip-side of that coin is the person told they are a 'minority', that they are disadvantaged, that someone has it better, that they need help to compete. This in turn tells them they are less than the other. Makes them believe they need help, makes them think they are being held down, when in fact they are not, outside of the shackles the Government programs create.
Years and years of being told you're a majority or a minority ingrains certain elements of achievement and success, as well as overwhelming expectation both internally and to others. If a white student fails out of school in the 8th grade, he is not given nearly the level of pass as a colored student would first be looked under the light of being a minority - and looking for that implication. You see, the level of success was made different by society, by Government, by programs, not by people. Governments need to get out of the business of defining majority and minority. It isn't their role.
The exact same element takes place with gender, male and female. The Government establishes rules and practices, calling women or minorities disadvantaged, which immediately says "the majority must have advantage". This level of hypocrisy by something advocating equality is amazing, and the fact that Americans have yet to pick up on it - and instead promote these very discriminatory programs - is equally shocking.
I guess you have to follow the money, there is a lot of it to be made in promoting race and gender wars - well into the hundreds of millions when you consider establishments like the NAACP or most Feminist lobbies. What you'll notice you don't see is a Majority White Male Lobby. You know why, their entire lives they have inadvertently been told they are expected to be successful and achieve; done so by the very programs to limit them.
If you want a true talk on race and gender equality, then stop telling one it is advantage and the other it is not. We seem to have no problem in America rewriting aspects of history but refuse to do so on these issues. Let's make it simple, do relations seem better or worse today, in 2016? Do things seem to be heading in the right or wrong directions? Then ask yourselves, what has the Government been doing.
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