#ISLAMAPHOBIA - the reality is, it isn't real.

Media pundits continuously call anyone that questions radicalized Muslims or any attempt to limit them "Islamaphobic", well frankly that is 100% inaccurate. Break down the word itself:

ISLAMAPHOBICan extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to Islam.

Now, break down the work 'irrational':

IRRATIONAL: not logical or reasonable

Given the last 10 years of pure-blood Islamic radicalized attacks on multiple Countries, Arab Springs, ISIS/ISIL, the destruction of everything non-Muslim in Syria, attacks in Europe and the United States and so forth. I don't think any sane person could say the fear is 'not logical or reasonable'. It is quite reasonable to fear Islamic Radicalization. And it is quite appropriate for Governments and People to take steps to protect themselves. Attempting to lambaste and bully people who have a credible fear is not only itself irresponsible, but damaging and dangerous to human life. The reason we have had such violence is because we refuse to label the problem. If in 1939-1945 the World refused to call Nazi's what they were, World War II would have ended significantly different. If we refused to bomb churches, neighborhoods and in general risk citizens lives, the war would not have been won. It is time we address this situation and stop allowing the voice of the exact group killing you to bend you to their will.


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