What White men say about Dallas and Police abuse.

You constantly hear articles and writing about what black men feel, or how to raise black kids, here is a summary of some white men's thoughts:

1) There are terrible people in every profession, police are not immune.

2) Something must be done about the fear police seem to have and it either needs to be trained out, or they need to be removed.

3) Perpetual blame and finger pointing does nothing to solve any issue.

4) White men are killed more than black men by Police.

5) Children must understand that you do whatever a Police officers asks, argue it the next day.

6) White people get pulled over and get guns pulled on them as well.

7) Police are human so are Blacks

8) Black men are singled out more by police for investigation.

9) Black men shouldn't have to live in fear of police.

10) Blacks feel singled out, but according to Harvard studies, that simply isn't true - the media just highlights it more.

11) Black cops are more likely to shoot black men then white cops who have never had a violent confrontation.


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